Sleep Apnea Wiki

CPAPtalk is a very active discussion group of people who use CPAP machines. In addtion Dr's and Registered Polysomnographic Technologist participate in discussions. it has over 17,000 registered users and over 170,000 articles and has been operating since Sept 04. It is funded by who exerts very little control over the content.

A new user is advise to check out the Lightbulb for basic information and then to register. Filling out information about equipment will be a great asset to others in providing input.

There are two ways to serach CPAPtalk. One is to use the search button and input search terms. Checking the "posts' button usually results in more menaingful searches.

The other way is to use Google to search CPAPtalk. place the following charatcers into a Google search bar: site; and then follow with the search terms.

When preparing posts with url's in them, highlight the url and then click the url button

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This Sleep Apnea Wiki article is under constuction.
Please help expand this article and make it more complete. It's easy to change
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